
Hi, I’m Christina!

I AM a Multi-Dimensional Transformation Guide, Ceremonialist, Healing Artist and Creatress living and loving in St. Petersburg, Florida.

It is my greatest joy to support humans in their journeys of soulful awakening, self-discovery, authentic embodiment, energy mastery and alignment with their unique, Divine magic.

As as Guide, I use my highest gifts, deepest love and most refined awareness to guide humans into intimacy with with themselves, their soul wisdom and the radiance of their spirits.


My devotion to this work was sparked by the initiatory journey of my own transformation.


My path of awakening led me questioning everything about how I viewed myself and related to reality. Who am I? What do I believe to be true? Why do I believe those things? I remembered that I have a choice as a sovereign creator to align with a deeper love, a higher truth, a more expansive freedom in my experience of life.

An insatiable curiosity and fiery passion was ignited within me to explore what it means to be a thriving human…living authentically, harmoniously, radiantly, awake and in alignment with one’s inner wisdom and the wellspring of love within.

I first began immersing myself in the realms of spirituality, self-development and esoterics because I desired to find answers to these questions, to truly love myself and to find my way back to my own inner wholeness. Discovering these worlds unlocked something ancient within me- a knowing and resonance of truth in the depths of my soul…a knowing that I am not only meant to study this work, but to truly embody it and guide others from this place of true wisdom.

This journey of awakening has empowered me to heal from an eating disorder, trauma, depression, chronic health issues and anxiety. I have radically re-connected to my body, my power, my intuition, and my Spirit and found the courage to live in bold trust of my unique path. It has led me to feeling embodied in my purpose and passionately lit-up about the life I get to co-create with the Divine, in every moment.


Over the years, I have received loving support from many wonderful healers, teachers (from this dimension and beyond), mentors, coaches and plant spirits. My first experiences of profound, embodied, deeply Feminine healing was through a connection with Gaia, our Mother Earth. She continues to be my teacher, inspiration, muse and source of guidance and nourishment.

Following this path of embodied awakening, I have been led to receive a Masters Degree in Positive Psychology, to live and work on an organic farm, to study meditation and ancient spiritual traditions, to receive certifications in Life Coaching and Holistic Health Coaching, to train in Shamanic healing practices and the art of Tea Ceremony, to study Breathwork with a world-renowned healer and to immerse myself in the teachings and embodiment of Human Design wisdom.

I absolutely love learning and continuously am brought back to the remembrance that Life itself is the most profound Mystery School and when I pay attention, I can see in front of me all the opportunities to become truly wise.

I feel grateful to wake up each day filled with passion, purpose and playfulness in service of something far greater than myself. I consider this work sacred and I feel honored to be on this path, working as a vessel of Divine Love and Living Light.

For inquiries or partnerships, please contact thestellarshift@gmail.com


Professional BACKGROUND:

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, University of Florida

Master of Science in Applied Positive Psychology, University of East London

Certified Positive Psychology Coach, Positive Acorn

Certified Health Coach and Life Coach, Health Coach Institute

Certified Breathwork Healer- David Elliott

Reiki Level 1 Practitioner

Certificate In Appreciative Inquiry, Case Western Reserve University

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Certified Practitioner

Intern for Experiential Education and Organic Agriculture, Many Hands Peace Farm


Voyage MIA Interview

Self-Love Letters Podcast: Loving Yourself By Design, How Human Design and Self-Love are Aligned

Understanding Your Human Design Energy Signature with Christina Echevarria

Burnout to Breakthrough Podcast Interview with Erin Nicole Porter
